The New iPhone 6

TheTouchID/Homebutton,SpeakerandCameracanbeeasilyrepositionedtoaccommodatethelargerdisplay.Inmyopinion,thelargerdisplayinthesamesized ...,TheiPhone6and6Plusincludelarger4.7-inchand5.5-inchdisplays,afasterprocessor,upgradedcameras,improvedLTEandWi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


iPhone 6 Concept

The Touch ID/Home button, Speaker and Camera can be easily repositioned to accommodate the larger display. In my opinion, the larger display in the same sized ...

iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus include larger 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch displays, a faster processor, upgraded cameras, improved LTE and Wi-Fi connectivity

iPhone 6 - Technical Specifications

Display. Retina HD display. 4.7-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi‑Touch display with IPS technology. 1334-by-750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi.

iPhone 6 Concept Design

Both concept videos depict an iPhone with a roomier screen than the iPhone 5S' 4-inch display, and side bezels that are virtually invisible.

Realistic iPhone 6 Concept Design Includes iOS 8, 4K Video ...

The device actually incorporates landscape speakers and a 5 megapixel FaceTime camera with 1080p video recording. At the back there's an iSight ...

iPhone 6 concepts; observations

We examine the current batch of most convincing iPhone 6 concepts, compare them to last years iPhone 5 concepts, and ask whether Apple even ...

2024 Concept of the iPhone 66S Redesigned with all

This upcoming iPhone is expected to feature a sleek, modern design, 48 MP camera, and the advanced A18 chip.

最新iPhone 6 概念設計!採用4.7吋大螢幕!

這台iPhone 6的設計概念,採用更纖薄的機身,及最近興起的窄邊設計,寬度比iPhone 5 寬,更將iPhone 的鏡頭位置移到機背的正中間,增加蘋果的一體式設計理念, ...

iPhone 6 Concept 2014

Introducing Apple iPhone 6 2014 New concept from Arthur Reis ( Video by Ran Avni ) shows 4.5-inch iPhone 6 with astonishing curved screen, ...


TheTouchID/Homebutton,SpeakerandCameracanbeeasilyrepositionedtoaccommodatethelargerdisplay.Inmyopinion,thelargerdisplayinthesamesized ...,TheiPhone6and6Plusincludelarger4.7-inchand5.5-inchdisplays,afasterprocessor,upgradedcameras,improvedLTEandWi-Ficonnectivity,Display.RetinaHDdisplay.4.7-inch(diagonal)LED-backlitwidescreenMulti‑TouchdisplaywithIPStechnology.1334-by-750-pixelresolutionat326ppi...